Hughan Nursery (J&M Hughan Nursery)

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Contact Details

Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00am-5:30pm
Sat: 9:00am-Noon
Other times by arrangement
Phone: (03) 5352-1123
Contact Name: Stephen Nughan
Address: 72 Barkly St, Ararat VIC 3377, Australia

Hughan Nursery (J&M Hughan Nursery)

Hughan Nursery J+M Hughan Nursery
HUGHAN Nursery is proof small local business can compete with the big guys.
The nursery has been operating in Barkly Street, Ararat for 90 years.
Refer to link below on an article from The Ararat Advocate:
Last Updated: Thursday 1st September, 2022

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