News«GABN President's Commentary 7-Oct-22 (The Ararat Advocate)
GABN President's Commentary 7-Oct-22 (The Ararat Advocate)
11 October 2022
12 March 2025
3.94 minutes

ALL of a sudden we find ourselves into the last quarter of 2022 and the final term of the school year. It’s now that the business planning really kicks up a gear for the Christmas and New Year peak.

The East Grampians Health Service Residents’ Support Group’s annual Shopping Spree Week is proposed for November 7 - 13. This year the event will raise funds for new outdoor furniture at Garden View Court, to complement the new pergola constructed over residents’ rooms. Expressions of interest are now open to local business operators who wish to participate in this fantastic community event. Please contact EGHS Community Liaison Officer Jodie Holwell on ASAP to confirm your participation.

This week we saw Cafs (Child & Family Services) officially launch their Ararat Contact Service and reopen their newly renovated premises in Banfield St. Cafs Children’s Contact Service (CCCS) provides a safe and nurturing environment for children to maintain contact with a parent or significant person who no longer lives with them. This can include supervised changeovers from one carer to another or a neutral, family-friendly location for supervised visits with the primary aim of helping families negotiate relationship challenges. Cafs Ararat Contact Centre represents an extension to the organisation's services in the area and builds on the existing Family Support programs, The Orange Door, Foster & Kinship Care and Financial Counselling support available.

Applications have now closed for the East Grampians Business Awards. We congratulate everyone who took the time to complete an entry and wish you all the very best of luck. The GABN committee looks forward to celebrating the achievements of entrants, finalists and winners at the gala presentation evening to be held at Ararat Town Hall in November 2022. Invitations to the dinner will be sent to all entrants, sponsors, and businesses across our region.

For the calendar October 7 - Friday Night Unwind Join us for a casual after work catch up at the Barkly Bar Bistro. The event is a casual session with no formality other than providing local business people with an opportunity to network with like-minded individuals. Even better, your first drink will be on us.

Can’t wait two weeks for your GABN update? Head on over to our GABN Facebook page and you’ll be the first in line for our fantastic networking events - gabiznetwork. If you are considering becoming a member of GABN or would like to know more about what we offer local businesses please contact us via email at 

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