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The Greater Ararat Business Network (GABN) Extends Support to Pomonal Fire Affected CommunityARCC Community Grants Program Closing 24-Nov-23GABN Shop Local Gift Card Program ContinuesGABN President's Commentary 9-Feb-24 The Ararat AdvocateArarat and Lake Bolac Visitor Information CentresTHE old adage it nevers rains it pours has never been so true.
In the last few weeks we’ve seen communities around NSW and Victoria devastated by flood waters and the weather shows little signs of easing with La Nina now forecast to continue into 2023.
Closer to home we have seen footage of Stony Creek raging through Halls Gap, local creeks and dams full and, as of last week, Lake Bellfield started to spill for the first time since1996.
We’re thinking of all the locals who rely on agriculture for their livelihood at the moment. Whilst we are all grateful to see Spring rain none of us would have asked for, or anticipated, what we have experienced so far.
Ararat Rural City Council area has been named as one of 46 local government areas deemed eligible for assistance under the Small Business Immediate Flood Recovery Program.
The Small Business Immediate Flood Relief Program supports businesses directly affected by the Victorian flood events that commenced in October 2022. There are two streams of support available under this program - Immediate flood relief grant and the Business Relief Service.
Businesses can apply for a one-off payment of $5000 to assist with costs such as immediate clean-up, safety inspections, repairs, hiring equipment and purchase of stock to get you back in business as quickly as possible. Business relief support is also available with dedicated business relief advisers on hand via telephone and on the ground to guide business owners through Commonwealth, State and local supports, insurance and landlord issues, and to help you build strategies for recovery. For more information visit: • business.vic.gov.au website
Support is also available for private residents affected by the recent storms and floods through Cafs (Child & Family Services, Ballarat) Financial counselling is a free, confidential service to help people experiencing financial hardship regain control of their situation. To contact Cafs Storm and Flood Recovery Support team call 1800 692 237.
For the calendar
We have hosted some great events in the last couple of weeks and here are a couple more.
• Stay tuned for our next Business After Dark which will be held at Bazz Music. UPDATE: Friday 25-Nov-22 6pm
• 15 November - State Election Candidates forum at the Ararat RSL.
If you are considering becoming a member of GABN or would like to know more about what we can offer to local businesses please contact us via email at admin@gabn.org.au.