News«GABN President's Commentary The Ararat Advocate 10-Mar-23
GABN President's Commentary The Ararat Advocate 10-Mar-23
5 April 2023
12 March 2025
3.85 minutes

RECENTLY I spent the night mopping down a fire at Buangor along with dozens of other CFA volunteers and it got me thinking about the big demand we place on businesses and local farms when fires break out.

Our community has always been there to support fire fighting efforts.

In the country, we don’t have the luxury of having paid fire fighters. It’s up to every individual to pitch in. It isn’t uncommon for a farmer or a business owner to take two or three days off to fight a fire nearby, in a neighbouring town, and sometimes the other side of the state. Business owners are also very accommodating, most allowing staff to down tools to jump on fire trucks and head off to fight a fire. Then there are the farmers who bring their private units to help. It was really satisfying to see all walks of life together at the Buangor fire – council had its graders and water tankers on site to aid fire fighters as did earthmoving contractor John Shea. The Ararat RSL staff pitched in and organised over 100 meals at very short notice, and local community members set up a staging point and gave out meals and refreshments. Local businesses, apart from the army of volunteers who attend fires, just get in and help in times of crisis. It’s amazing what can be done when we all pitch in- truly stronger together.

Pitch Festival Weekend

This weekend, our region will see a massive influx of people with the Pitch Festival at Moyston. The festival is an incredible opportunity for local businesses and community groups. It would be good to see as many of our local businesses as possible open and trading for the long weekend. The festival goers are cashed up and in previous years have spent vast amounts with local cafes, restaurants, hotels, gift shops, service stations and supermarkets. I would encourage our local business community to consider opening an hour or two longer and take advantage of the big crowds.

Business After Dark

Finally, I would like to extend an invitation to local business owners to attend our next Business After Dark function in Willaura on Friday March 17. We are in for a real treat this month, with the iconic Willaura Bakery hosting the event. Baker Peter Sporton is legendary and I’m confident some of his delicious baked goodies will be served on the night. A courtesy bus will run from Ararat. For further information contact Phillippa:

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