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The Greater Ararat Business Network (GABN) Extends Support to Pomonal Fire Affected CommunityARCC Community Grants Program Closing 24-Nov-23GABN Shop Local Gift Card Program ContinuesGABN President's Commentary 9-Feb-24 The Ararat AdvocateArarat and Lake Bolac Visitor Information CentresTHE winter is upon us, and many businesses reporting slow trade with many customers heading north or overseas. Cost of living pressure is also biting at some of our local businesses as people find they have less money to spend. Please put local traders first. Every dollar spent in our region, probably gets circulated around the region. We have many great businesses and entrepreneurs with flair in Ararat Rural City so please give them a go before you press the button on your online order
The cancellation of the Commonwealth Games is disappointing for the regions - but it also give us an opportunity to pick up other projects that are taking its place. Part of the money from the games is to be used on worker housing in regional areas and I believe Ararat has articulated a very strong case in recent years on the lack of housing available here. Let’s showcase our region and get behind initiatives that may result is more accommodation for new workers.
A big shout out to Peter Sporton, Willaura Baker and GABN member in his success in pulling off the ABC regional broadcast last Friday morning. It was great to see a great businessman, showcasing spirit and hard work pulling a town together and highlighting what a great place Willaura is.
GABN was invited to a listening post session with Member for Wannon, Dan Tehan and Deputy Opposition Leader, Susan Ley. This was a good opportunity to highlight common business issues of labour shortages, housing problems, infrastructure shortfalls, bureaucratic red tape amongst other things. It is encouraging to see decision makers now seeking out your local business network for input and becoming a conduit for business and community.
Our latest Square Table included a follow up from Dan Tehan and also Jennifer Ganske from NBN. NBN are showcasing a Tech Hub for Natural Disasters- pulling all the digital resources together in the event of an emergency. They are also working on a Digital Innovation roundtable with some of the exciting things in AI, connectivity, cyber security that are evolving in business. Keep an eye out for both of these events.
Our XMAS in July BAD (Business After Dark) was well attended on Wednesday night, with over $400 raised for the Ararat Emergency Relief Committee Christmas appeal. It was a great night of networking sharing & learning- some great info from sponsors UBC Web Design and Saines Lucas Solicitors. Well done to David and Geanie on your best-dressed Christmas outfits
If you would like to participate in our BADS, Square Table (Zooms) or Friday Night Unwinds (Young Professionals) then jump on the GABN website or follow the socials and have a look.